Norbert Elias

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"The most prominent people of the departament were Jews. Among them was Mannheim's assistent, Norbert Elias, although I was unable to ascertain the extent of his imvolvement in the Jewish Problem."(S. 79, With My Own Eyes)

"Norbert Elias war das Bindeglied zwischen Mannheim und seinen Studenten. Er war ungemein beliebt, da er es verstand auf die Probleme jedes Einzelnen einzugehen, und dies auch mit Grosszuegigkeit tat."(Human Figurations, Giselè Freund,12)

"On the other hand, Elias himself was mainly concerned with the problems of students, for which Mannheim had not the time, with small seminars and, above all, with the supervision of students' written work, particularly of the numerous PhD.dissertations."(Ilse Seglow, Human Fig.S.16)

  • Literatur von und über Norbert Elias [1]
  • Norbert Elias Stiftung Amsterdam [2]
  • Universität Graz, Biographie von Norbert Elias [3]